By Michael Edgar Myers Founding Artistic Director Among the many ironies of Christian faith and Biblical study is the volume of attention given to what Christians are against and the number of Scripture verses that prohibit behaviors. A high percentage of these negative viewpoints are among Christian church leaders, traditionally and currently. This negativity creates two consequences that undermine the true essence of the religion of Jesus.
The saddest effect of those consequences – by Christians -- is that they impede progress of Jesus’ mandate to make disciples of all nations, and teach them what He has commanded. Where this impact is most notable in the U.S. is among youth, people of color, and women.
Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash By Michael Edgar Myers Founding Director I'm writing while reflecting on "Giving Tuesday," the designated Tuesday after Thanksgiving when not-for-profit organizations concentrate on requesting financial donations. It's a laudable period of end-of-the-year generosity, even if a tad overwhelming.
No doubt you have received many "Giving Tuesday" email requests in recent days. If you're like me, you may feel a twinge of pressure to try giving to everyone, as if #GivingTuesday is a do-it-or-lose it competition with leftovers from Black Friday and Cyber Monday. For us, "Giving Tuesday" isn't a landing site, it's a launching pad of Yes, And... Y So, to be transparent, yes, this IS a request to give...AND it is not. Yes, we would be thankful if you gave financially to Kingdom Impact Theater Ministries (today, even), AND I want to let you know there's a deeper reason I'm writing. It's to thank you for the intangible gifts you have given us already so that we may give to others. By Michael Edgar Myers Founding Director A colleague of ours with Artists in Christian Testimony Intl is a music ministry educator in Ukraine. As the Russian attacks were imminent, our colleague sent a post to A.C.T. Intl artists in 47 countries encouraging us to begin infusing oft-sung Ukrainian songs of worship in our local congregational assemblies. Three of the selections are original compositions by musical worship leaders in Ukraine, perhaps not known Stateside. YouTube links and link to the full story can be provided.
It is not the easiest question to answer: “What do you want for Christmas?”
The KIT 'n' Kaboodle BlogThe essays here are culled from our travels, conversations, worship experiences and discoveries. Many are reprints from our newsletter, The KIT 'n' Kaboodle, or Facebook notes over time. They're written by our ensemble, Garlan Garner, Michael Edgar Myers or Vikki J. Myers -- solo, or collectively. Archives
November 2024