by Carla Brown Carla Brown is an original member of Chos3n, the Kingdom Impact Theater Ministries women’s music ensemble. She and her husband, Eric, are the parents of seven children, three of whom are in college. Carla home-schooled her children until feeling the call of the classroom herself. She divides her Chos3n service with her day-to-day occupation: as a bilingual teacher in suburban Dallas. Halloween!!! A word that strikes fear and excitement in children everywhere. For me, as a kid, I definitely looked forward to this fun day. Think about it, you get to dress up in the most creative, crazy, funky way you want without being mocked, run the streets well after the street lights come on, and, THE single most driving factor of them all...FREE CANDY!!! I participated in this ritual all the way through my senior year in high school (best costume - BABY - because I could wear pajamas to school!!!) There was little thought as to the origin and history of Halloween...until...I began to hear speak of the “evil” of the holiday; the unholy meaning behind this day of fun costumes and free candy.
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Balancing church and family responsibilities is a reason Paul cautioned wannabe pastors in Corinth about getting married. Depending on the source you’re reading, there are varying views about divorce rates among couples who profess themselves to be Christ-followers. The rates are either growing at the same rate as non-believers, greater than that rate, declining from that rate, or were never as high. Among the teachings in his first letter to the church at Corinth, the apostle Paul gave what some Bible translations subtitle, “Concerns for Married Life.” Included in the passage in chapter seven, Paul speaks to pastors…or would-be pastors, with an admonition summarized here by the late Eugene Peterson in his paraphrase, “The Message.”
“Because of the current pressures on us from all sides, I think it would probably be best to stay just as you are. Are you married? Stay married. Are you unmarried? Don’t get married. But there’s certainly no sin in getting married, whether you’re a virgin or not. All I am saying is that when you marry, you take on additional stress in an already stressful time, and I want to spare you if possible.” Peterson and Paul’s perspective is the backdrop for this sequence of audio and written reflections based on the book, “Who Prays for the Pastor?” by Fredrick Ezeji-Okoye. |
The KIT 'n' Kaboodle BlogThe essays here are culled from our travels, conversations, worship experiences and discoveries. Many are reprints from our newsletter, The KIT 'n' Kaboodle, or Facebook notes over time. They're written by our ensemble, Garlan Garner, Michael Edgar Myers or Vikki J. Myers -- solo, or collectively. Archives
November 2024