by Michael Edgar Myers Founding Artistic Director Growing up where and when I did, we did not have pastors in our church.
We did, but we didn’t. Whereas “pastor” is a commonplace term today, in my youth its synonyms were wide-ranging with historical cultural importance (to be outlined at another time). We had “preachers” and “parsons,” “ministers” and “reverends” – especially Ministers and Revs – but, yes, we had us no pastors. We had us no “pastors” to pray. Yet, to borrow from Romeo’s adoration of Juliet (a Shakespearean connection we’ll occasionally adapt), “pastor” by any other name can still be a rose in a community. Or a thorn. These are among the thoughts that percolated over our prayer and coffee conversations during Pastor Appreciation Month. The occasion allowed us as Kingdom Impact Theater Ministries to reflect on clergy who have influenced our lives as we embark upon our 30th year of service.
By Michael Edgar Myers Founding Director A colleague of ours with Artists in Christian Testimony Intl is a music ministry educator in Ukraine. As the Russian attacks were imminent, our colleague sent a post to A.C.T. Intl artists in 47 countries encouraging us to begin infusing oft-sung Ukrainian songs of worship in our local congregational assemblies. Three of the selections are original compositions by musical worship leaders in Ukraine, perhaps not known Stateside. YouTube links and link to the full story can be provided.
The phrase "born-again Christian" is redundant. One cannot be Christian unless born again, as Jesus explained and was quoted in the scripture of John. The "born again" in His reference is rebirth of a man's natural spirit to rebel against God. That is, to disobey God, to rely on self, to think of self first. These are the basic elements of life collectively tagged "sin" -- Jesus says this human spirit, the spirit of sin -- must be "reborn" to submit to God's will and guidance. This is done, first, by recognizing and acknowledging the life of Christ as revealed in Scriptures, then by living according to His teachings. In its simplest expression, this is what it means to be born again. To renew a spirit to follow God's lead. But what of those people who were born with such a spirit. The spirit to follow God and not sin that seems intrinsic from birth. Are there such people? Especially in our age? by Michael Edgar Myers, Founding Director
When speaking of worship leaders we often restrict the phrase to an individual who plays an instrument or two, organizes the music, runs the rehearsal, plans the Order of Service, perhaps conducts the congregational sing-a-along, and perhaps solos on numerous songs. We learned along ago that a leader of worship is more than this, may or may not have musical gifts, and recognizes that worshipping God is not confined to a timed-music presentation during a Service of Worship. Worship is a way of life. Michelle Perez-Campbell is a leader of worship.
The KIT 'n' Kaboodle BlogThe essays here are culled from our travels, conversations, worship experiences and discoveries. Many are reprints from our newsletter, The KIT 'n' Kaboodle, or Facebook notes over time. They're written by our ensemble, Garlan Garner, Michael Edgar Myers or Vikki J. Myers -- solo, or collectively. Archives
November 2024